May I introduce you to my best girlfriend?
This is my dearest one and the one I have had since I was about 3 years old. Melissa is my sister (biologically AND spiritually). We are knit together at the heart and I literally cried on the phone with her yesterday because I miss her so much (she’s in CA and I’m in AR). She is creative, loyal, passionate, generous, wise, and all around beautiful.
It’s because of this friendship and several others that I am challenged to grow, pointed to Jesus, enjoy companionship, and am an overall better woman. I think she might say the same too.

We are declaring August to be Bricklayer’s friendship month. You can expect posts twice a week that will address questions, give biblical insights, highlight ways to enjoy and appreciate your friends, and help you be a better friend too.
Who are some of your best friends and what do you love about them? Join us this month as we explore the beauty of friendship.
Don’t know who took this adorable photo, otherwise, I’d give that person credit.
“Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.”
Proverbs 27:9